Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Have you been through any story of the
World War II? Here is the real life incidence of a young boy (still alive) who underwent lot of bitter experience in the WW II death camp as a boy slave. Continue to read and let his life experience in WW II be an inspiration for your future as good citizens. And now let us go through this kids view WW II story part by part. Have a nice time!

My name is Ralph Brink. I was born Sept. 1934 in Netherlands East Indies (Indonesia). My parents were from Holland and lived in the former Dutch colony.
At age 7, soon after Pearl Harbor, the Japanese conquered the islands. All "blandas" (caucasians) were interned in
concentration camps. Families were separated. My Dad was in one in a camp (Tjihapit), my 19-year old brother, a pilot, was sent to work as a POW slave on the Burma Railroad. My Mother, 2 sisters and I were sent to a truly lousy concentration camp (Banjoebiroe).
At age 10 I was taken from my mother by
Japanese Army truck along with other 10-year old boys and dumped as a “Boy Slave" in a real Japanese death camp named Ambarawa C7.
After close to a year in that
Japanese death camp, I was worn out, had beri-beri, dysentery, lice and was dehydrated and flea-bitten all over. “The Bomb" literally saved my life. My Mother guessed where I might be and got me in a horse-drawn cart. I was a smelly, deathly ill little kid. She nursed me back to life. In the meantime, we had to flee because total anarchy engulfed Java. Somehow my Dad wheedled space on a coal ship to Balikpapan (Borneo), and later on we went by "Gooney Bird" (Dakota plane) to Australia. We lived there for about a year. Here, at age 11, I went to school for the first time in my life, learning English as I went along. And read more about this interesting and inspiring story of WWII Japanese death camps at brink publishing.