Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A love story for the nation

The WW II story, is of course a painful one. It is an inspiration for all the kids to be better citizens for their country. This account in the book of World War II provides a glimpse into the lives of some of these kids under those awful circumstances WW II story: their fears, their sufferings, their observations of adults, their simple wisdom and their every humor. The stories of kids from among the various nationalities and backgrounds represent horrific experiences; the result of mean-spirited adults at World War II. It must be remembered that none of these kids, of what-ever nationality they were, shared in the guilt for the atrocities perpetrated by their political and military leaders. The Japanese death camps in Ambarawa were horrible. They are simply Innocents — child victims of a war of which they surely did not want to be a part. The memories and sharing of the soldiers who underwent through the sufferings of this horrific circumstances in the World War II is really should be inspiring.The death camp slaves suffered a lot in the Indonesian death camps like Ambarawa Camp Seven etc.

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