Sunday, October 12, 2008


One large segment of WW II victims—the child victims of the WWII—has been alluded in some accounts. However, to my knowledge no chronicle has focused exclusively in the experiences of these defenseless Innocents. Silently and bewildered, children suffered horrors and deprivations alongside grown-ups; they witnessed wholesale massacres in Europe, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan and elsewhere. These Innocents included the children of Jews, of Gypsies, of the Bibelfőrschers, and other target groups. Children were torn from their parents, starved in concentration camps or simply exterminated in Hitler’s gas chambers.

The WW II story which is explained in the book of World War II is mostly filled with lot of suffering aspects, but we should take it as inspiring ones. The Japanese death camps in Ambarawa were horrible. The death camp slaves suffered a lot in the Indonesian death camps like Ambarawa Camp Seven etc. This WWII story is explained through a kid’s view on WWII by Mr. Ralph Brink.

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